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Standard Visitor Visa

(Including Business Visits)

Individual Immigration

Visitor Visa allows foreign nationals to enter the UK for usually a period of maximum of six months.

Eligibility to apply for a Visitor Visa will depend on what you intend to do whilst you are in the UK. You must also have sufficient funds to support and accommodate yourself and to be able to meet the cost of your return or onward journey, so we recommend a consultation with one of our specialists prior to submitting your application to ensure success.

A standard visitor can enter the UK as a tourist, on a holiday or vacation, as a family or friends, as a volunteer for up to 30 days with a registered charity, to attend business meetings or conferences, to participate in a school exchange programme, to attend a recreational course of up to 30 days, to sit for an examination, as a Doctors and Dentist and for other medical reasons.

During the UK visit the visitor cannot take up any employment or self-employment. The visitor cannot live in the UK longer than the conditional periods of time through frequent or successive visits. The visitor cannot marry or register a civil partnership or give notice of marriage or civil partnership – The visitor needs to apply for a marriage visitor visa.

Visitor visa applicants are required to fulfil the conditions that they will leave the UK before the visa expiry. Applicants must prove with documentary evidence that they can financially support themselves and if any dependants during their stay in the UK including the travel costs. They will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits or make the UK as their home country.

We have extensive experience in handling all immigration matters. To discuss about your Standard Visitor Visa (Including Business Visits) application with one of our immigration Solicitors, please contact us on 01279 312185 or submit our enquiry form given below.

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